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Tag: Archives

Hidden Stories in the Archives

September Spotlight on the Archives presents a blog about hidden stories in the Archives. To support the Archives, please donate below! Support the Archives! For the first time, with a functioning archive, International House can advocate for its distinguished legacy. Virtually ‘hidden’ for 96 years, International House Archives, can now provide access to the full richness and breadth of its history with the potential to reveal knowledge on significant individuals and notable events. The question now is, how will the Archives contribute? What stories can our records uncover...

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Celestine Mott in the Archives

September Spotlight on the Archives presents a blog about International House Director, Celestine Mott. To support the Archives, please donate below! Support the Archives! One of the things that initially drew me to archives, was their ability to reveal complex stories about individual lives. A photograph, a piece of correspondence, a newspaper clipping, or a diary can instantly connect us with personal experiences from another time. By engaging with the past, one can better understand and contextualize the lives of others and place themselves within history’s timeline. As a...

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Digital Assets in the Archives

September Spotlight on the Archives presents a blog about International House’s new Digital Asset Management System, Canto. To support the Archives, please donate below! Support the Archives! The International House Archives are the physical manifestations of our history in the form of paper documents, photographs, audio recordings, films, and digital media. These records provide a unique window into I-House’s historical legacy and document the untold stories of our notable alumni, distinguished speakers, and prominent chairpersons and trustees. Hellen Keller program, 1931/ I-House...

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Back to Work in the Archives

Hello, it is a pleasure to be back on-site and safely working in the International House Archives. In conjunction with the September Spotlight on the Archives, please keep an eye out for several blogs and social media posts directly related to the Archives. Support the Archives! There is no sugarcoating the reality of the present. We are facing a global human crisis, unlike any we have experienced. Speaking to the press at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center on March 27, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said, “This is going to be one of those moments they’re going to...

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September Spotlight on the Archives

Candlelight Sunday Supper, 1925 At our annual Candlelight Sunday Supper, an I-House tradition that has endured for more than one hundred years, we make this pledge: As light begets light, so love, friendship, and goodwill are passed from one to another. We who have come from many nations to live in one fellowship at International House promise one another to pass the light wherever we go. The International House Archives is built on that same promise to pass along the legacy—the I-House legacy—out into the world and to future generations. Candlelight Sunday Supper, 1932 In order to...

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