
About the Archives
The International House Archives are located at:
International House
500 Riverside Drive
New York, NY 10027
Guided by International House’s core values of respect, empathy, and moral courage, the primary mission of the International House Archives is to identify, collect, catalog, preserve, and make accessible all records of enduring value that document and convey the story of I-House’s Residents, Alumni, Staff, and Trustees.
The I-House Archives strongly endorses the archival values of service and transparency and supports archives in the Greater New York Metropolitan area. The Archives promotes and encourages cross-organizational collaboration to improve access to archival resources, procedures, and best practices.
International House began here. International House was initially conceived by Harry Edmonds in 1909 and, with the support of the Dodge family and John D. Rockefeller Jr., established in 1924. Since its beginning, International House has consistently encouraged cross-cultural initiatives and international cooperative exchange to promote peace and global understanding.
As arguably the first residency program of its kind, International House began a movement that led to the establishment to date of 17 other I-Houses worldwide. These International Houses are separate, independent, non-profit institutions united by the same mission, to foster international understanding and promote cultural exchange among the future leaders of our world.
The materials in the Archives are presently being processed and are not yet accessible for scholarly research purposes. However, the Archives may, at its discretion, be able to respond to questions or make selected materials available to scholars, curators, and researchers.
Questions regarding the archives, research, and potential donations of papers related to International House can be sent to archives@ihouse-nyc.org.
Archives Posts

From the Archives: Early Chinese Residents