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An International House Fellowship is a leadership opportunity for eligible residents to serve and support their peers in the I-House community. The expectation is that as a selected leader, you will play a key role in carrying out the mission of I-House and are expected to plan, develop and implement activities to foster engagement in community and to provide support for resident members across diverse cultures. In addition, you are an ambassador of I-House, which means you will play an integral part in promoting our values: Respect, Empathy and Moral Courage.

An I-House Fellowship will offer you the opportunity to explore and develop your own leadership style while also being a visible member of the community that is looked to for guidance and support from both residents and staff.


Residents must be in good standing with the House in order to apply for any fellowships.

Summer fellowships are only available for residents that have lived at International House and were a fellow during the previous academic year and that will be staying at I-House from May to August 15.

Academic year fellowships are awarded for residents staying at International House from August to May. Residents can apply to be both a summer Fellow and an academic year Fellow at the same time; however, they may not be selected for both fellowships.

Resident Leader Fellowships are only given to residents that have already lived at International House for an academic year. Peer Counselor Fellowships are primarily available to residents that have already lived at International House for an academic year, but exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis.


All Fellows are required to participate in Fellow Trainings in August (including a weekend Leadership Retreat) and are expected to attend key events such as Welcome Weeks, Orientation, and Programs Fairs, and other legacy I-House events as needed by the Programs Office. Fellows must complete at least one event in their selected area each month.


Fellows are provided a stipend, which is distributed to their Bursar account monthly, provided they successfully execute their activities for the month and submit the monthly report that documents accomplishments against contract targets and fellowship responsibilities.

For summer fellows only, the award is no less than $900.
For the academic year (September-May), the award is no less than $2,500.

Types of Fellowships

I-House offers two types of fellowship roles: Resident Leaders Fellows and Peer Counselors. Please read the description of both carefully before applying.

Resident Leaders Fellowships

Resident Leaders Fellows plan, develop, and implement diverse areas of programming for the I-House community. As leaders, these Fellows serve as a point of reference and guidance in the community, helping new Residents feel welcome and encouraging them to make new friends and develop natural support networks at I-House.

Peer Counselor Fellowships

The Resident Support Services (RSS) team consists of Peer Counselor Fellows that are graduate students or working professionals in the field of mental health who are recommended by their programs, employers, or other sponsors who can testify to their skills.